.teams(ng-repeat='team in service.teams' ng-class="{'last':$last}")
.team.roster(ng-click='showPlayers = !showPlayers')
//shows the player rating for the highest rated player
.roster(ng-repeat="player in team.playerProfiles | orderBy: '-pRating' | limitTo:1" ng-if="!team.selected")
{{player.pRating | percentage}}
//shows a selected player, instead of showing the default player with highest rating
.roster(ng-repeat="player in team.playerProfiles" ng-if="team.selected && team.selected.playerId == player.id")
{{player.pRating | percentage}}
The above example works, I'm just not sure if it's the best way of obtaining what I want to achieve? Should I try a filter or a switch instead? Or, is this 'acceptable'?
So, i'm taking commented advice, but I've gone wrong somewhere. I'm trying to use a predicate function within the filter: It seems I cannot pass in player from the same line as the repeat to filter by player.id.. Should i do a for loop over players within team...?
roster(ng-repeat="player in team.playerProfiles | orderBy: '-pRating' | limitTo:1 | filter:criteriaMatch(team, player)")
{{player.pRating | percentage}}
then, in my controller:
$scope.criteriaMatch = function( team, player ) {
if (team.selected)
return player.id == team.selected.playerId;
return player.id
roster(ng-repeat="player in team.playerProfiles | orderBy: '-pRating' | limitTo:1 | filter:team.selected.playerId)")
based on what you already have, it's probably less complicated than you think. You can just filter by the selected.playerId inline within the filter.