Using the plugin jQuery UI Layout, I have several different panes. When the user resizes the window to a small size, I would like to call a function that changes the minsize
and size
of the pane so that I can make it smaller with the window.
I can do this, but for the changes to apply, I must toggle closed and then toggle open the pane. This creates a lot of flickering and ends up being pretty messy looking. I only need this one pane to resize in this fashion.
QUESTION: Is there a way I can apply these layout changes without having to toggle the pane twice for them to apply?
Check out this Fiddle that I made:
In here, the changes to the "width" of the show/hide button don't get applied until you toggle the pane. If you can make this width change work without toggling, I'm sure it would solve my problem as well.
$("#eastToggle").click(function () {
$("#attempt").click(function () {
testLayout.options.east.spacing_closed = 20;
testLayout.options.east.spacing_open = 20;
I'm not sure if there is a callback function or any special utility method that'll do the trick.
But you can try something like the following (probably with a resize function that'll resize the panes manually) -
var testLayout = $('body').layout({
applyDefaultStyles: true,
east: {
spacing_closed: 100, //toggler width
spacing_open: 100,
togglerLength_closed: 200, //toggler height (length)
togglerLength_open: 200
$("#eastToggle").click(function() {
$("#attempt").click(function() {
resize('east', 20);
// A function to resize the tab
function resize(region, space) {
// Width of the new center pane
var newCenterWidth = parseInt($('body .ui-layout-center').css('width').split('px')[0]) + testLayout.options.east.spacing_closed - space;
// Change the options so they don't affect the layout when you expand / collapse again
testLayout.options.east.spacing_closed = space;
testLayout.options.east.spacing_open = space;
// Manually resize the panes
$('body .ui-layout-resizer-' + region).css('width', space);
$('body .ui-layout-center').css('width', newCenterWidth);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="ui-layout-center">Center</div>
<div class="ui-layout-north">North</div>
<div class="ui-layout-south">South</div>
<div class="ui-layout-east">East</div>
<div class="ui-layout-west">West
<button id="eastToggle">Toggle East Panel</button>
<button id="attempt">Change Width?</button>