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CAKEPHP3 hasMany association with multiple values

i have to 2 database tables:


id | name


id | date | employee_id

An employee hasMany absences. This is no problem. But there are also global absences with an employee_id = 0. So this absences belongs to every employee additionaly to his own custom absences.

I tried everything but it doesn't work.

This is the created SQL of the association:

SELECT * FROM absences Absences WHERE Absences.employee_id in (1))

If I add conditions to this association (or change finder method):

SELECT * FROM absences Absences WHERE (employee_id = 0) AND Absences.employee_id in (1))

Does anybody has a solution either to change the "AND" into an "OR" or add the employee_id into the "IN" clause?

Thank you, Frank


  • $query->find()->where(['employee_id IN ' => [0, $employeeId]]);