I'm trying to get the success or insuccess of a query to my RethinkDB in the Phoenix Framework through a Flash message. However I don't know the correct signature to retrieve the result message from RethinkDB in my code block.
def index(conn, _params) do
#Query that creates a table in the database
|> Basedados.Database.run
# List all elements of a table from the database
q = table("contentText")
|> Basedados.Database.run #Run the query through the database
|> IO.inspect
|> put_flash(:error, "Some Message")
|> put_flash(:info, "Another Message")
|> render "index.html", contentText: q #Render users searched on the users template
EDIT: Okay I found out that there is supposed to be an errors field along the lines of:
%RethinkDB.Record{data: %{"deleted" => 0, "errors" => 0, "generated_keys" => ["15cc4e19-fc72-4c19-b3a5-47141b6a63e0"], "inserted" => 1, "replaced" => 0, "skipped" => 0, "unchanged" => 0}}
However I don't seem to have it (I tried it like q.errors
and q.data.errors
) and I get an error every time.
The error I'm testing is if the database table does not exist (I change contentText to something else entirely).
I'm able to do some error checking with data:
q = table("contentText")
|> Basedados.Database.run #Run the query through the database
if is_nil(q.data) do
|> put_flash(:error, "Error")
|> render "index.html", contentText: "failed" #Render users searched on the users template
|> put_flash(:info, "Sucess")
|> render "index.html", contentText: q #Render users searched on the users template
However this seems like a limited solution as it only detects if there is data in the message. An error can be something else entirely. And since that field seems to count them I would like to get that value and use it in my condition instead (if errors > 0). What do I need to get that field?
use q.data["errors"])
instead of q.data.errors
according to the issue hamiltop/rethinkdb-elixir#59, you can use q.data["r"]
on failure.