I have an abstract base class:
public abstract class BaseClass
public double CommonMethodForAllSubClasses(double parameter)
//common implementation
return 0;
public abstract double MethodThatMustBeDefinedInSubClasses(double parameter);
And a class hierarchy under it.
I want to make, in another assembly, an Extension class for Base class and its subclasses. I thought to do it with a static class with a methods which receive as parameter:
public static Method(this BaseClass, ...)
But I want this static Method to be defined for all subclasses from BaseClass. I know I can't do a static abstract method but I want to avoid to implement these methods in the class itself... And it would be very good that the compiler "tells me" that these methods must be redefined for sub-classes.
But I want this static Method to be defined for all subclasses from BaseClass.
Your extension method would be callable from instance of derived class. But I guess that's not what you meant.
And it would be very good that the compiler "tells me" that these methods must be redefined for sub-classes.
Implementing it as a regular abstract
method on the base class is the only way to achieve that.