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How to create a Javascript video overlay with VAST VPAID?

I am currently trying to learn the basics of VAST ("Video Ad Serving Template") and VPAID ("Video Player-Ad Interface Definition"). My goal is to show an overlay ("widget") over a video in a VAST/VPAID-enabled video player (like Flowplayer with Bigsool's DFP plugin or JWPlayer Advertising). The widget should consist of a DIV with HTML and enable interaction like mouse-over.

I am not looking for any scripting on the video player page as the widget should be delivered programmatically via a video ad server, so pure VAS and VPAID only.

There are many examples with Flash SWF files, but with Flash losing market share, I would like to work with plain Javascript only. Can you provide or hint me to an documented example with a working VAST and VPAID file?


  • We currently implementing a plugin for videojs to handle VAST and VPAID (Flash/HTML).

    If you are not interested in using videojs, but you want to use VPAID in another videoplayer you can use the individual modules to handle VPAID that the plugin is using:


    VPAID Flash

    we didn't split sadly the VAST one in independent module.