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Clojure read object from a file and extract data

I am very new to closure so I am not fully sure how to do this. If I have a file data.txt with the following:

{:name "Steve"}
{:name "Issac"}
{:name "Lucas"}

I want to be able to read the contents of each :name tag and do something with the return value (in this case it will be printing to the console). I looked up online and found there is a method called reader and I understand how to open a file.

The Closure syntax confuses me slightly so I am not sure how to do this.


  • there should be 2 possiblities:

    1) raw clojure by means clojure.core/read-string

    (read-string  "['q 2 \"test\"]")
    ;; [(quote q) 2 "test"]

    2) via clojure.edn/read-string

    (clojure.edn/read-string "['q 2 \"test\"]")
    ;; ['q 2 "test"]

    the 2nd one should be faster and safer (but does not eval and stuff), but is only for edn format (this is a subset of clojure code)

    the string dummy (i.e from your data.txt)

    ;; a string, just for demo
    (def s "[{:name \"Steve\" email: \"[email protected]\" }
             {:name \"Issac\"}
             {:name \"Lucas\"}]")

    the rest is plain clojure, if you have trouble with clojure maps here is the doc

    (doseq [name (map :name (clojure.edn/read-string s))]
      (println name))
    ;; Steve
    ;; Issac
    ;; Lucas
    ;; nil