I try to compile the TrustZone example provided by examples/Bare-metal_examples_ARMv7.zip
in DS-5 v5.21.1(latest version) and then I get this
License checkout for feature compiler5 with version 5.0201503 has been denied by Flex back-end. Error code: -9
I have already viewed INFOCENTER but error code in that page is -7 while my error code is -9. Besides, I am sure I get the license correctly added, and DS-5 has validated and accepted that license.
The license I'm using is a 30-day Ultimate Edition License(Evaluation), can it only be compiled with a formal Ultimate Edtion license or I did anything wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Based on Trouble shooting node-locked license issues page in the infocenter, -9 error indicates "Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file."
The same page lists common problems and ways to solve them.