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how to use a delegate to get by name a CompiledQuery

I'm trying to find and run a CompiledQuery given the name. How do I access the compiled query by name and how do I then invoke the delegate?

Here's as far as I can get - I get the error 'Error binding to target method'

public class ActivityRepository
    private readonly ActivityDataContext _db;

    public ActivityRepository()
        _db = new ActivityDataContext();

    public static Func<ActivityDataContext, int, IQueryable<ProjectObject>>
        GetCompiledLatestProjects = CompiledQuery.Compile
            ((ActivityDataContext db, int projectId) =>
             from c in db.projectObjects
             where c.projectId == projectId
             select c);

    public static Func<ActivityDataContext, Guid, IQueryable<Report>>
        GetCompiledReports = CompiledQuery.Compile
            ((ActivityDataContext db, Guid itemId) =>
             from c in db.Reports
             where c.reportObjectId == itemId
             select c);

// Other compiled queries ommitted, but the results are IQueryable objects that implement a common interface IProjectObject

    delegate IQueryable<IProjectObject> MyDelegate();

    static MyDelegate GetByName(object target, string methodName)
            return (MyDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate
                (typeof(MyDelegate), target, methodName);

    public IList<Results> GetResults(string reportName)
            IQueryable<ProjectObject> projectItems = GetLatestProjectObjects(projectId, quantity);
        foreach (projectObject o in projectItems)
            MyDelegate del = GetByName(this, reportName);
             var dbReport = (IProjectObject) GetCompiledReports(_db, o.itemId).FirstOrDefault();
// add results to List and return


  • You can probably do some long winded way of trying to identify any fields of type Func<...> with a DataContext as the first argument that return IQueryable, but you might find it a lot easier to just add a custom attribute:

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)]
    public class DynamicQueryAttribute : Attribute { }

    ...which you can then add to your field:

    public static Func<ActivityDataContext, int, IQueryable<ProjectObject>>
        GetCompiledLatestProjects = CompiledQuery.Compile
            ((ActivityDataContext db, int projectId) =>
             from c in db.projectObjects
             where c.projectId == projectId
             select c);

    You can then select the query based on that, and its name:

    public static IQueryable<IProjectObject> ExecuteQuery(Type ownerType, string name, params object[] args)
        var query = typeof(ownerType)
            .GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
            .Where(f =>
                    (f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DynamicQueryAttribute), false).Length > 0)
                    && (f.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == name.ToLowerInvariant()))
            .Select(f => (Delegate) f.GetValue(null))
        if (query == null)
            return null;
        return (IQueryable<IReportObject>)query.DynamicInvoke(args);


    var results = ExecuteQuery(

    Hope that helps :)