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How can I read/transform the range images of the stanford bunny .ply-files?

I want to read the not reconstructed data from the Stanford Bunny. The point data is stored as several range images, which have to be transformed to be combined to one big point cloud, like written in the README:

These data files were obtained with a Cyberware 3030MS optical
triangulation scanner.  They are stored as range images in the "ply"
format.  The ".conf" file contains the transformations required to
bring each range image into a single coordinate system.

This is the .conf-file:

camera -0.0172 -0.0936 -0.734  -0.0461723 0.970603 -0.235889 0.0124573
bmesh bun000.ply 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
bmesh bun045.ply -0.0520211 -0.000383981 -0.0109223 0.00548449 -0.294635 -0.0038555 0.955586
bmesh bun090.ply 2.20761e-05 -3.34606e-05 -7.20881e-05 0.000335889 -0.708202 0.000602459 0.706009
bmesh bun180.ply 0.000116991 2.47732e-05 -4.6283e-05 -0.00215148 0.999996 -0.0015001 0.000892527
bmesh bun270.ply 0.000130273 1.58623e-05 0.000406764 0.000462632 0.707006 -0.00333301 0.7072
bmesh top2.ply -0.0530127 0.138516 0.0990356 0.908911 -0.0569874 0.154429 0.383126
bmesh top3.ply -0.0277373 0.0583887 -0.0796939 0.0598923 0.670467 0.68082 -0.28874
bmesh bun315.ply -0.00646017 -1.36122e-05 -0.0129064 0.00449209 0.38422 -0.00976512 0.923179
bmesh chin.ply 0.00435102 0.0882863 -0.108853 -0.441019 0.213083 0.00705734 0.871807
bmesh ear_back.ply -0.0829384 0.0353082 0.0711536 0.111743 0.925689          -0.215443 -0.290169

For each range image seven values are stored. But I do not know, what information can be obtained from these values. I guess that three of them will contain some information about the translation and maybe three contain information about the rotation. But I didn't find something about the order of these values and how to transform the values to get one point cloud.

The wiki page doesn't handle with range images and I found nothing more at the Stanford pages. They just talk about, that the method of Turk94 is used to scan this data set, but the method has no information about the transformations needed. (Or I was not able to get the information out of this paper.)

Does anybody know how to read these values correctly? Why is there a transformation for the camera position? Is this just a good initial value to view the whole point cloud?

Thanks for your help.


Ok. At this point, I already tried to read the data and to correctly transform them, but everything did not work. I use the boost library to handle with the quaternions

Here is my code for it:

boost::math::quaternion<double> translation, quaternionRotation;
//Get Transformation
translation = boost::math::quaternion<double>(0.0, lineData[2].toDouble(), lineData[3].toDouble(), lineData[4].toDouble());
quaternionRotation = boost::math::quaternion<double>(lineData[5].toDouble(),lineData[6].toDouble(),lineData[7].toDouble(),lineData[8].toDouble());

//do some file related stuff 

//for each line: read the point data and transform it and store the point in a data array
pointData[j].x = stringPointData[0].toDouble();
pointData[j].y = stringPointData[1].toDouble();
pointData[j].z = stringPointData[2].toDouble();
tmpQuat = boost::math::quaternion<double> (0.0,pointData[j].x,pointData[j].y,pointData[j].z);
//first translation
tmpQuat += translation;
//then quaternion rotation
tmpQuat = (quaternionRotation * (tmpQuat) * boost::math::conj(quaternionRotation));
//read the data from quaternion to a usual type
pointData[j].x = tmpQuat.R_component_2();
pointData[j].y = tmpQuat.R_component_3();
pointData[j].z = tmpQuat.R_component_4();

I assume that the first component of the quaternion is the w component and the others refers to x, y andz like in equation 2 from here. If necessary I can provide the screenshots of the false transformations.

EDIT: It is written in the source code of zipper in the file zipper.c, that the 7 values are saved as followed:

transX transY transZ quatX quatY quatZ quatW

The quaternion is then transformed into a rotation matrix and then the rotation is performed with this new matrix. But even with this information, I am not able to transform it correctly. To test it, I implemented the function quat_to_mat() from zipper in my project:

glm::dmat4 cPlyObjectLoader::quat_to_mat(boost::math::quaternion<double> quat) const
 float s;
 float xs,ys,zs;
 float wx,wy,wz;
 float xx,xy,xz;
 float yy,yz,zz;
 glm::dmat4 mat(1.0);

 s = 2 / (quat.R_component_2()*quat.R_component_2() +
          quat.R_component_3()*quat.R_component_3() + 
          quat.R_component_4()*quat.R_component_4() + 

 xs = quat.R_component_2() * s;
 ys = quat.R_component_3() * s;
 zs = quat.R_component_4() * s;

 wx = quat.R_component_1() * xs;
 wy = quat.R_component_1() * ys;
 wz = quat.R_component_1() * zs;

 xx = quat.R_component_2() * xs;
 xy = quat.R_component_2() * ys;
 xz = quat.R_component_2() * zs; 

 yy = quat.R_component_3() * ys;
 yz = quat.R_component_3() * zs;
 zz = quat.R_component_4() * zs;

 mat[0][0] = 1 - (yy + zz);
 mat[0][1] = xy - wz;
 mat[0][2] = xz + wy;
 mat[0][3] = 0;

 mat[1][0] = xy + wz;
 mat[1][1] = 1 - (xx + zz);
 mat[1][2] = yz - wx;
 mat[1][3] = 0;

 mat[2][0] = xz - wy;
 mat[2][1] = yz + wx;
 mat[2][2] = 1 - (xx + yy);
 mat[2][3] = 0;

 mat[3][0] = 0;
 mat[3][1] = 0;
 mat[3][2] = 0;
 mat[3][3] = 1;

 return mat;

Now I am doing the translation and rotation with a vector and this matrix:

quaternionRotation = boost::math::quaternion<double>(lineData[8].toDouble(),lineData[5].toDouble(),lineData[6].toDouble(),lineData[7].toDouble());
rotationMat = this->quat_to_mat(quaternionRotation);
translationVec = glm::dvec4(lineData[2].toDouble(), lineData[3].toDouble(), lineData[4].toDouble(),0.0);

//same stuff as above

glm::dvec4 curPoint =   glm::dvec4(pointData[j].x,pointData[j].y,pointData[j].z,1.0);
curPoint += translationVec;
curPoint = rotationMat*curPoint;

The result is different to my quaternion rotation (Why? It should be the same.), but not correct.

Debug information:

  • the input of all transformations is correct
  • the input of all points is correct


  • As Ello mentioned, it is written at the stanford 3D repo:

    For all the Stanford models, alignment was done using a modified ICP algorithm, as described in this paper. These alignments are stored in ".conf" files, which list each range image in the model along with a translation and a quaternion rotation.

    But that is not enough to understand everything of this data file.

    It is correct, that the first line:

    camera -0.0172 -0.0936 -0.734  -0.0461723 0.970603 -0.235889 0.0124573

    stores a good initial camera position and every other line starting with bmesh refers to a .ply-file, which stores a ranged image.

    The transformation values are stored as followed:

    transX transY transZ quatX quatY quatZ quatW

    where trans... refers to a translation value and quat... refers to a value of the quaternion. Currently, I do not know, why it doesn't work with the quaternion rotation by itself, but by transforming it into a rotation matrix with the code of zipper the transformation is correct. Be aware, that the translation is stored first, but to get a correct transformation the rotation has to be done at the beginning and the translation afterwards.

    My code snippet to read the files and transform it, is the following:

    boost::math::quaternion<double> translation, quaternionRotation;
    //Get Transformation
    translationVec = glm::dvec4(lineData[2].toDouble(), lineData[3].toDouble(), lineData[4].toDouble(),0.0);
    quaternionRotation = boost::math::quaternion<double>(lineData[8].toDouble(),lineData[5].toDouble(),lineData[6].toDouble(),lineData[7].toDouble());
    //calculate the unit quaternion
    double magnitude = std::sqrt(
    quaternionRotation /= magnitude;
    rotationMat = this->quat_to_mat(quaternionRotation);
    //do some file related stuff 
    //for each line: read the point data and transform it and store the point in a data array
    pointData[j].x = stringPointData[0].toDouble();
    pointData[j].y = stringPointData[1].toDouble();
    pointData[j].z = stringPointData[2].toDouble();
    //transform the curren point
    glm::dvec4 curPoint =  glm::dvec4(pointData[j].x,pointData[j].y,pointData[j].z,1.0);
    //first rotation
    curPoint = rotationMat*curPoint;
    //then translation
    curPoint += translationVec;
    //store the data in a data array
    pointData[j].x = curPoint.x;
    pointData[j].y = curPoint.y;
    pointData[j].z = curPoint.z;

    I know, that it's not the best one, but it works. Feel free to optimize it by yourself.