Search code examples

using polymer iron-selector events

Here is the (abridged) code I am using with iron-selector

<iron-selector id="listSelection" attr-for-selected="name" on-tap="_itemSelected">
    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{boilerplateSets}}">
      <div class="item" name='{{}}'>
        <paper-icon-item >
          <paper-item-body two-line>
            <div secondary>{{item.description}}</div>
          <iron-icon class="big-icon" icon="hardware:keyboard-arrow-right"></iron-icon>

Followed by this script (also abridged)

        is: 'boilerplate-list',
        ready: function()
        this.boilerplateSets = [{name: 'CVs', description: 'Bolierplates'},
                               {name: 'Addresses', description:                                    
        _itemSelected: function(e,detail)
                 console.log("selected e:" +;
                 console.log("selected detail:" +;

                 var _selected = this.$.listSelection.selectedItem;
                 console.log('selected item:' + _selected);
       'select',{item: _selected});

I am struggling on two fronts:

  1. what configuration including which attribute/property do I use to access the value of the selected item? In this example I have tried to configure it to use the "name" value. This does not work in this example. I have had it working, but can not recall how; permutations might include "" or "{{name}}" or "{{}}".

  2. I am have is a race condition. The on-tap event fires and calls _ItemSlected. But when I read the values in this function they are not updated. The second time I tap and get the event to fire the values are now set, but to accurate to the last selection.

I'd really value a decent example of iron-selector being used with binding (ie with {}) and with events firing including the use of the arr-for-selected and on-tap event.

Thank you.


  • To address your first problem, you can use itemForElement in your _itemSelected handler:


    Where myList is an id attribute on the dom-repeat template.

        <template id="myList" is="dom-repeat" items="{{someItems}}"></template>

    I am not sure about the race condition problem. Where I have done this I have actually put the on-tap event on (in your example) <div class="item">.