I have a class Foo
, that must launch a thread (which is a method loop()
on my class) on the constructor.
My class is something like this on the header file:
class Foo
void loop();
std::thread m_thread;
//more stuff.
And the source file is:
m_thread(&Foo::loop, Foo()); // <---- No match for call '(std::thread) (void (Foo::*)(), Foo)'
m_thread.kill(); // <---- ??? how to do this?
void Foo::loop()
//do stuff.
1 - How can I fix the error on the Foo constructor
? I'm having the "no match for call
" error when compiling.
Bonus question:
2 - How can I kill the thread on the destructor of the object?
1) You're attempting to call a thread object, not initialize it here:
m_thread(&Foo::loop, Foo());
You should set assign it the appropriate value:
m_thread = std::thread(&Foo::loop, Foo());
But this will default-construct another Foo
object, which will launch a thread, which will default-construct a Foo
object, which will launch a thread, which will...
So, maybe you mean to launch the thread on the instance itself, in which case you need
m_thread = std::thread(&Foo::loop, this);
Note that usually it is preferable to initialize data members in the constructor initialization list, but since the thread calls a member of Foo
, it is best to launch it once the object has been constructed.
2) You can join the thread in the destructor. Just make sure no exceptions propagate out of the destructor.