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jQuery droppable zone in droppable zone

I have a droppable unordered list named <ul class="droppable">. Inside the unordered list I have dynamicly generated list items named <li class="placeholder"></li>, which are also droppable.

When dropping a draggable item between a placeholder, all works fine. But when dropping a draggable item on the <li class="placeholder"></li> itself, the draggable item gets appended to the placeholder and the unordered list.

So I get a double clone of it.

Here's a jsfiddle to have a visual example. I'm aware that it is logical that I get a double clone on my page, but I don't know how to disable it...

Any help is greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: If you drag a draggable item verticaly over a droppable element, they append automatically? How is that possible?


  • One approach you could try to solve this would be to move all your behaviors to your sortable and use droppable only to make a switch to determine the behavior you need. That way, you can handle everything at one place, which should resolve some of the unwanted effects of having both sortable and droppable on the same elements. Like this:

    In your droppable you set the switch on over and out, and set the objects you need.

                    accept: "",
                    hoverClass: "correct",
                    activeClass: "active",
                    revert: false,
                    tolerance: "pointer",
                    over: function (e, ui) {
                       curDrag = ui.draggable;
                       curTarget =;
                                            curThis = $(this);
                        overSortable = true;
                    out: function (e, ui) {
                        overSortable = false;
                    drop: function (event, ui) {

    Then, in beforeStop event of sortable, you check if the variable overSortable is true or not and set the behaviors there. All that refers to ui.draggable, this, and will need to be replaced by the objects you set in droppable. An event better way would be to make a function handling all these behaviors and pass these as arguments.

    beforeStop: function (e, ui) {
                    if (overSortable) {
                       var dragging = curDrag.find("img").remove();
                        var day = curDrag.attr('data-id');
                        var index = $(curTarget).index();
                    } else {

    There are still adjusments to make, it's not completely clear what exactly should happen and when, but this can make it easier to work instead of trying to manage multiple events being fired when you drop an element, you only manage one.