I'm building a tic tac toe game for a fun learning experience. I have constructed a minimax algorithm to return the optimal move for the computer, but somehow I am going wrong and get wierd output like this
Enter row, column of your move
0, 0: -1038
0, 1: -1470
0, 2: -1038
1, 0: -1470
1, 2: -1470
2, 0: -1038
2, 1: -1470
2, 2: -1038
Enter row, column of your move
0, 1: -15
0, 2: -9
1, 0: -10
2, 0: -1
2, 1: -29
2, 2: -41
Enter row, column of your move
You can see that the computer chose the lower left corner rather than cutting off the player. My code attempts to recursively flip flop between turns through all possible gamestates, summing up the score for each win or loss the turn may lead to, then returns the move with the maximum score. The printout is the score of each turn before it is made (you can see it chooses the highest), so why am I not cutting off the player? How can I fix this? Here is my code.
int compMoveScoreRecursive(state_t **board, int dimension, int row, int col, state_t turn) {
board[row][col] = turn;
state_t winner = checkWinner(board, dimension);
if (winner == COMPUTER) {
return 1;
} else if (winner == PLAYER) {
return -1;
} else {
int score = 0;
state_t nextTurn = turn == COMPUTER ? PLAYER : COMPUTER;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) {
if (board[i][j] == NIL) {
state_t **boardCopy = copyBoard(board, dimension);
score += compMoveScoreRecursive(boardCopy, dimension, i, j, nextTurn);
destroyBoard(boardCopy, dimension);
return score;
move_t optimalCompMove(state_t **board, int dimension) {
move_t optMove;
int optScore = INT_MIN;
for (int row = 0; row < dimension; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < dimension; col++) {
if (board[row][col] == NIL) {
state_t **boardCopy = copyBoard(board, dimension);
int score = compMoveScoreRecursive(boardCopy, dimension, row, col, COMPUTER);
printf("%d, %d: %d\n", row, col, score);
if (score > optScore) {
optMove.row = row;
optMove.col = col;
optScore = score;
destroyBoard(boardCopy, dimension);
return optMove;
The concept of the minmax
algorithm is to « minimize the maximum loss » (Wikipedia), so the first thing wrong with your algorithm is your sum.
For any state S
of the game, and for any move M
avaialble for the current player (let's say player 1 P1
), the value of minmax (S + M, P2)
is the maximum possible output for P2
if P1
plays M
. So if P1
wants to maximize his chance to win, he should reduce as much as possible the maximum output for P2
, i.e. he must find the minimum of the outputs.
In tictactoe minmax, it is possible to test the whole game (at most 9 moves), meaning the you always now if PX
win (1), lose (-1) or make a draw (0). So minmax (state, PX)
will return only one of these three value.
In many game, you cannot play the whole game (draughts for example), so the returned value is an indication of the state, for instance -oo
if you lose, +oo
if you win, otherwize the difference between your number of draughts and your opponent.