I have a page with 2 x-editable text fields
<div class="edit name">
<h3 class="name"><a editable-text="creator.name" e-class="input-md" blur="submit" onaftersave="updateField('name');">{{creator.name}}</a></h3>
<a editable-textarea="creator.bio" e-rows="4" e-cols="100%" onaftersave="updateField()" data-ng-show="editable" blur="submit" placeholder="Approximately a 100 word Bio">
<span data-ng-bind="creator.bio"></span>
<span data-ng-show="!creator.bio">Tell us about yourself in less than 100 words</span>
If I am editing one and I click anywhere on the page it updates and closes. Except if I click on the other x-editable field. Then both stay open. I want the first x-editable to save and close.
I have been able to reproduce this in a plunker. I can't see what I am doing wrong.
Looks like this happens when I am using version 0.1.9 if I go back to 0.1.8 works.
Bug is here blur breaks on 0.1.9