I have a set of files in a folder ../SomeFolder/AndAnother/dist
the dist folder contains a bunch of files and folders that I want to move up a level in a Rake task.
becomes ../SomeFolder/AndAnother/subFolder/a.txt
I can do this on linux by
task :lift_to_parent do
sh('mv', '../SomeFolder/AndAnother/dist/*', '../SomeFolder/AndAnother')
but this Rake task also runs on Windows and on that OS i get Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ unlink_internal
I'm hoping that FileUtils.mv
will work on both linux and windows...
but if I
task :lift_to_parent do
FileUtils.mv '../SomeFolder/AndAnother/dist', '../SomeFolder/AndAnother', :force => true
I get ArgumentError: same file: ../SomeFolder/AndAnother/dist and ../SomeFolder/AndAnother/dist
so I'm clearly missing something to allow FileUtils.mv
to copy up a level (or going about this the wrong way)
So, how do I fix my FileUtils version or otherwise use a Rake task to copy a folder structure to its parent?
I've ended up doing this
task : lift_to_parent do
copied_by_jenkins = '../SomeFolder/AndAnother/dist'
copy_pattern = "#{copied_by_jenkins}/**/*"
target_directory = '../SomeFolder/AndAnother/Public'
next unless File.exists? copied_by_jenkins
FileList[copy_pattern].each do |file|
file_path = File.dirname(file).sub! copied_by_jenkins, ''
file_name = File.basename(file)
target_directory = File.join(target_directory, file_path)
destination = File.join(target_directory, file_name)
FileUtils.mkdir_p target_directory
FileUtils.copy_file(file, destination) unless File.directory? file
FileUtils.remove copied_by_jenkins
but that seems like a lot of the typing to achieve my goal