Do anyone know a general method to declare a comparision function for struct so that I can use it in sort , priority queue , map ,set ...
I would also know how to specify the comparision function when declaring a data structure (like map ) having a structure as a key (in the case where i have two or more comparision functions)
Thank you in advance
The comparison function depends from the semantics of your struct. What does it mean that a < b
for your type?
In general, a compare function is something along the line of this (references are optional):
bool comp( const YourType& a, const YourType& b );
To make a map use your compare function, you must write like this:
#include <map>
struct YourType{
int v;
struct YourTypeComparison{
bool operator()( const YourType& a, const YourType& b ) { return a.v < b.v; }
int main()
std::map<YourType,int, YourTypeComparison> m;