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How can I store a Map object in a Chrome App?

Using Chrome API, I can save and successfully retreive an array but I cannot retreive a Map object.

var folders = new Map()
//... populate Map { "myFolders": folders } ) "myFolders", function ( saved ) 
  console.assert( typeof saved.myFolders.size === 'number', "not a Map!" )
} )

I'm forced to convert Map in Array before storing. Could I store Map objects directly ?


  • No, you can't store, or pass with Messaging, objects that are not JSON-serializable (DOM nodes being another frequent example).

    And a Map is not:

    > JSON.stringify(new Map().set("a", "b"))

    So, you can only store what JSON can encode. That means that you'll have to do your own serialization/deserialization on top of storage access.

    Edit: as Simon's answer shows, Chrome performs more elaborate serialization than JSON (preserving RegExp and Date), but the principle still stands: non-primitive objects need custom serialization.