I'm making a front end interface to display log data. I currently have a table that shows raw data with plenty of operations, a calendar similar to a heat-map and a bar chart displaying aggregated data for any chosen attribute, time period and granularity (using d3). The data size is rather huge so all the actions is done at back-end (literally, all filter/sort etc. is an AJAX call to server side). There should be more graphs to come, in similar fashion.
What I'm trying to have is a dashboard using JQuery for all the graphs and Stats later. I have briefly skimmed through the following options:
Gridly (can't insert 2+ links because of reputation...)
sDashboard ^
The problem is I can't really tell significant difference between all of them or which one fits better, and I have very limited front-end experience (I looked up and learned JS function definition syntax couple days ago). Below is a list of functionalities I would like to achieve ideally:
[Optional Ones]
Those are what I can think of so far. Wondering if anyone has done something similar, and what are the pros/cons/limitations for each/any of the mentioned options? Any suggestion is appreciated :)
Why build it yourself? Use ELK instead (Elastica, Log Stash, Kibana).
It is already built and does exactly what you need -- unless you're logging to a Database. If you are, then may god have mercy on your soul (and your poor DBMS).
Here is a tutorial from DigitalOcean with instructions to set it up: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-elasticsearch-logstash-and-kibana-4-on-ubuntu-14-04
Disclaimer - I contribute to the Dashing project and I am heavily biased.
Answers to your list: