I have a class that will has 2 properties
public class PropertyBag
public string PropertyName {get;set;}
public object PropertyValue {get;set;}
so this "PropertyValue" property can hold any primitive datatype i.e. int, datetime, string, etc.
I am reading settings from custom configuration file with nested elements. Something like this:
<Workspace name="ws1">
<property name="version" type="decimal"> 1.3 </property>
<property name="datetime" type="datetime"> 10-10-2015 </property>
<property name="mainwindowlocation" type="string"> 10 300 850 </property>
...more nested elements...
I want to be able to set the type of the "PropertyValue" property dynamically based on the value from the config file. A colleague mentioned about PropertyDescriptors/TypeDescriptors/dynamic. Any suggestions with specific implementation detail ?
You could simply use a switch statement to parse value based on the type value.
var properties = XDocument.Load("XMLFile2.xml").Descendants("property").Select(p =>
string name = p.Attribute("name").Value;
string type = p.Attribute("type").Value;
string value = p.Value;
PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag();
bag.PropertyName = name;
switch (type)
case "decimal":
bag.PropertyValue = Decimal.Parse(value);
case "datetime":
bag.PropertyValue = DateTime.Parse(value);
bag.PropertyValue = value;
return bag;