Given an object of Instant
, a time string
representing the time at a specific ZoneId
, How to construct a ZonedDateTime
object with the date part (year, month, day) from the instant at the given ZoneId
and the time part from the given time string
For example:
Given an object of Instant of value 1437404400000 (equivalent to 20-07-2015 15:00 UTC), a time string 21:00, and an object of ZoneId
representing Europe/London, I want to construct an object of ZonedDateTime
equivalent to 20-07-2015 21:00 Europe/London.
You'll want to parse the time string to a LocalTime
first, then you can adjust a ZonedDateTime
from the Instant
with the zone, and then apply the time. For example:
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm", Locale.US);
LocalTime time = LocalTime.parse(timeText, formatter);
ZonedDateTime zoned = instant.atZone(zoneId)