The official Java Code Conventions document -that I could get hold of- is dated 1997 and it seems that Oracle has no updated version of it.
Oracle actually states on the conventions page that:
The information on this page is for Archive Purposes Only
This page is not being actively maintained. Links within the documentation may not work and the information itself may no longer be valid. The last revision to this document was made on April 20, 1999
Is there an official or at least a de facto official conventions that are more recent?
Note: I'm not asking here about a good or the best convention, I'm asking about the updated standard or the de facto standard if any. So, an answer should not be an opinion-based one.
Is there an official or at least a de facto official conventions that are more recent?
No there isn't a more recent official Sun / Oracle version of the Guidelines. (Or if there is, it is internal to Sun / Oracle.)
There are other more recent Java style guides around (Google is your friend!) but nothing that I would call a "defacto standard".