I am struggling to have only two views stacked, to have them only in one window, no other placeholder/folder shown.
My perspective looks like:
public class PerspectiveNew implements IPerspectiveFactory {
public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
IFolderLayout folderLayout = layout.createFolder("folder", IPageLayout.TOP, 1.0F, IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA);
When I open my RCP app I am still seeing bottom placeholder. How to get rid off that ?
public class PerspectiveNew implements IPerspectiveFactory {
public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
IFolderLayout folderLayout = layout.createFolder("folder", IPageLayout.TOP, 1.0F, IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA);
layout.setEditorAreaVisible(false); // Turn-off visibility of other placeholders/folders