How to implement pause()
and resume()
in a way that pause()
stops code execution (prevents proceedFurther()
from execution) until resume()
is called by clicking the button
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
As I understand OnClickListener creates a separeate thread and main thread must be stopped somehow with concurrency-stuff I'm not aware of.
Your assumption is wrong - the code inside the on click listener is executed in the UI thread.
So, to define the task better - you wan't to make sure that proceedFurther() is called only after resume() has been executed.
They are two ways to achieve this:
If you don't need background processing - resume doesn't touch the database or the network, or other potentially memory - heavy and time consuming stuff, you can just have sequential method calls in the callback:
public void onClick(View v) {
If you do need to execute resume() in a background thread, you can indeed use the AsyncTask. You just need to call resume() in doInBackground() and proceedFurther() in onPostExecute().