I'm trying to search all the classes in a IJavaProject that extends a certain Interface. This interface is Generic, and I want to get the current type parameters of every implementation.
Now I have the SourceType that represents every implementation, but I can't get the current parameters of this class. Here is an example of my classes:
public class PersonDaoImpl extends AbstractDao<PersonPk, Person> {
My goal is to get the two parameters PersonPk and Person.
If it's possible to convert this SourceType as class, it would be better to manage it.
To get the type arguments of a type's superclass (IType sourceType)
String superSignature = sourceType.getSuperclassTypeSignature();
for (String typeArgument : Signature.getTypeArguments(superSignature))
Utility Signature
is org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
To get the next IType
from its fully qualified name use:
IJavaProject project = sourceType.getJavaProject();
IType type = project.findType(qualifiedTypeName);
If you have an unresolved type signature (starting with Q
), then use this to get the qualified name in the first place:
String[] qualifiedNames = sourceType.resolveType(typeSignature);
See the javadoc for details.
In the IDE, the classes in your workspace are not loaded as Class
into the current JVM (which runs the IDE), because each change of a file in your workspace would require loading a new class into the JVM leading to huge memory problems, so even if this would be possible by some hack, it is strongly discouraged! The existing representations (Java model & AST) should suffice for all your processing needs.