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Java Hibernate Criteria Many-To-One

I am trying to use hibernate with a Many-to-one relationship, as shown below:

I have a service table and for each service, we have a programId.

public class Service {
   @JoinColumn(name="PROGRAM_LV_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
   private Program program;

In the BD, I have the records:

Service Table

id = 1, programid = 2

id = 2, programid = 2

id = 3, programid = 3

Program Table

id = 2, name = "program2"

id = 3, name = "program3"

I am trying to do something like:

public List<Service> getServicesForProgram(long id) {
    Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Service.class, "s");
        criteria.createAlias("s.program", "p");
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("", id));

        return (List<Service>)criteria.list();

When I pass 2 to the method, I get 4 records instead of 2. Somehow the results are duplicated and I get the services with ids 1 and 2 twice.

Can someone help me with why the duplication is happening?

All help is greatly appreciated.



  • Your query in plain SQL is actually something like:

        SELECT * from service p, program where = 1;

    It just combines both records from service and program with id = 1 in the service table.

    And hence if there are 2 records in the program table(where primary key is 1 and 2), and 2 in the service(where the foreign key is 1), all it will do is fetch 4 rows[2 x 2].

    To fetch the records, you can use the DISTINCT criteria as:

       Criteria cr = getSession().createCriteria(Service.class);