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How to hide/show divs from Tiles through JavaScript?

I'm working on a JSP site that uses Struts 2 and Tiles 3, it has different tabs and each tab shows a div with a table. I need to add a tab that has 2 tables, and alternatively show one or the other depending on buttons.

Is it possible to show/hide them though JS somehow? I've been trying for a while now, and Tiles does not seem to care to what I do from JS.

I've been using this, with some variations, but so far no luck. I'm kinda new to JS so I may be doing something wrong, or maybe Tiles has a way to hide/show stuff dynamically/during runtime that I do not know.


controlPools is the name of the div, the name of the tile that contains it is controlPool.

This is the code of the JSP page

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<%@taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<%@taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="display"%>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">


        <div id="controlPools">
            <display:table name="lstPools" class="displaytag" id="tablaPools" >
                <display:column style="width: 90%"     >
                    <a href="javascript:getNodosPool('${}')" >${}</a>
                <display:column style="width: 10%" property="nodes"/>

        <div id="nodosPool" style="display: none;" >
            <display:table name="lstMembers" class="displaytag" id="tablaNodesPool">
                <display:column style="width: 5%" >
                            <input type="checkbox" id="${}"  class="node" value="${}"  style="margin: 0 0 0 4px"   />             
                         <display:column title="Status CBS" style="width: 10%"> 
                            <div id="iconStatus"  class="${tablaNodesPool.classStatus}" /></div> 
                         <display:column title="Status STF" style="width: 10%"> 
                            <div id="iconStatus"  class="${tablaNodesPool.classStatus2}" /></div> 
                         <display:column property="name"    />
                         <display:column property="ip"    />
                         <display:column property="description"   />

            <button onclick="enableNodesPool();"  ><s:text name="controlSnmp.enableSelected"/></button>     
            <button onclick="disableNodesPool();" ><s:text name="controlSnmp.disableSelected"/></button>
            <button onclick="getNodosPool();"><s:text name="controlSnmp.buttonRefresh"/></button>




  • @Roman-C answer got me thinking, and it led me to the solution to the problem, it was partly because of tiles.

    I was using this JS block to feed the data to my JSP:

            type : "GET",
            url  : "ControlNodesPoolAct.action",
            data : {"pool": pool},
            success : function(result){
              if (result != null && result.length > 0){
                var aux = $("#tabs-11"); 
                //inicializamos la tabla con el plugin de jquery
                            "lengthMenu": [[150, 75, 10, -1], [150, 75, 10, "All"]]         
            error : function(xhr, errmsg) {
                console.log("error en funcion getMiembrosSnmp " + errmsg); 

    and apparently since DisplayTags was rendering it during runtime, the div did not exist at the moment the funcion was called, so I needed to wait until DisplayTags rendered the table for the div to exist. I moved the document.getElementById('controlPools').style.display='none'; to a point where I knew the table was rendered and it seemed to fix the problem.

    This change fixed it:

            type : "GET",
            url  : "ControlNodesPoolAct.action",
            data : {"pool": pool},
            success : function(result){
              if (result != null && result.length > 0){
                var aux = $("#tabs-11"); 
                //inicializamos la tabla con el plugin de jquery
                            "lengthMenu": [[150, 75, 10, -1], [150, 75, 10, "All"]]         
            error : function(xhr, errmsg) {
                console.log("error en funcion getMiembrosSnmp " + errmsg); 