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How to set up a configured embedder for use of meta filters (-skip) with Serenity, JBehave and Selenium

While creating new scenarios I only want to test the scenario I am currently working with. For this purpose I want to use the Meta: @skip tag before my scenarios. As I found out I have to use the embedder to configure the used meta tags, so I tried:


but actually this still has no effect on my test scenarios. I used it in the constructor of my SerenityStories test suite definition. Here is the complete code of this class:

public class AcceptanceTestSuite extends SerenityStories {
    WebDriver driver;

    public AcceptanceTestSuite() {
    System.setProperty("", "D:/files/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe");
    System.setProperty("chrome.switches", "--lang=en");
    System.setProperty("restart.browser.each.scenario", "true");


    public Configuration configuration() {
    Configuration configuration = super.configuration();

    Keywords keywords = new LocalizedKeywords(DEFAULTSTORYLANGUAGE);
    Properties properties = configuration.storyReporterBuilder().viewResources();
    properties.setProperty("encoding", "UTF-8");

            .useStoryParser(new RegexStoryParser(keywords, new ExamplesTableFactory(new LoadFromClasspath(this.getClass()))))
            .useStoryLoader(new UTF8StoryLoader()).useStepCollector(new MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending(keywords))
            .useDefaultStoryReporter(new ConsoleOutput(keywords)).storyReporterBuilder().withKeywords(keywords).withViewResources(properties);

    return configuration;

Is this the wrong place or have I missed something? Still all scenarios are executed.


I changed following classes and now I think that it "works"

public AcceptanceTestSuite() {
    System.setProperty("", "D:/files/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe");
    System.setProperty("chrome.switches", "--lang=de");
    System.setProperty("restart.browser.each.scenario", "true");


public Embedder configuredEmbedder() {
    final Embedder embedder = new Embedder();

    final Configuration configuration = configuration();


    return embedder;

But now I get the message [pool-1-thread-1] INFO net.serenitybdd.core.Serenity - TEST IGNORED but the scenario is still executed. Only in the result page I get the info that this scenario is ignored (but still executed). Is there a way to SKIP the scenario so it won't run?


  • I could not make it run with using configuredEmbedder() but by adding -Dmetafilter="+working -finished" as goals in my mvn run configurations and using the tags @working for scenarios I'm working with and which I want to run and @finsihed for scenarios I don't want to execute. Still I have to change the run configuration if I want to change the meta tags so it is not very comfortable but still I get what I was looking for.