I've written a fairly simple directive that can change the stylesheet on a page dynamically.
Here's a snippet of the directive:
OfficeSuiteModule.directive('officeButton', ['$q', 'stylesheetInjectorService', function($q, stylesheetInjectorService) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
isDisabled: '@?',
label: '@?',
api: '='
// Defines the controller for the 'officeButton' directive.
controller: function($scope) { }
Now, I'm using grunt to build my project and I'm using the task grunt-contrib-uglify
to minifies the JavaScript files, however I'm facing an issue here.
If I look at the minified version of the JavaScript file, the controller inside my directive's signature is changed to: controller: function(c) {}
Off couse this would not work bcause c
is not defined. It would raise an AngularJS error.
Is there an Angular way to resolve this, or can I instruct the grunt-contrib-uglify task not to change this parameter?
Kind regards
You have to annotate the controller function too:
controller: ['$scope', function($scope) {
// your function
So your full code becomes:
OfficeSuiteModule.directive('officeButton', ['$q', 'stylesheetInjectorService', function($q, stylesheetInjectorService) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
isDisabled: '@?',
label: '@?',
api: '='
// Defines the controller for the 'officeButton' directive.
controller: ['$scope', function($scope) {
// your function