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Wildfly 8 security domain works for a simple app but not for a more complex one

I am altering an existing Java EE 7 web application to use the standard Java EE security domain mechanism to authenticate against Active Directory. I began by creating a simple proof of concept web app to test things out and to get the Wildfly config working, then I applied the changes to the main app. I'm now in the situation where the test app works but the main app does not.

How do I get the main app to work with the security domain properly? How can I diagnose this issue? What can interfere with the security process?

Here is my realm and domain config in standalone.xml:

    <!-- Default realms omitted -->
    <security-realm name="ActiveDirectoryRealm">
            <ldap connection="MyAD" base-dn="OU=Test Users,OU=AU,DC=company,DC=int">
                <username-filter attribute="sAMAccountName"/>
    <ldap name="MyAD" url="ldap://" search-dn="CN=Wildfly AS,OU=Service Accounts,OU=AU,DC=company,DC=int" search-credential="xxx"/>

<!-- Skip many lines -->

<security-domain name="active-directory" cache-type="default">
        <login-module code="Remoting" flag="optional">
            <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
        <login-module code="RealmDirect" flag="sufficient">
            <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
            <module-option name="realm" value="ActiveDirectoryRealm"/>

And here is my jboss-web.xml file (same in both apps):


And finally the security bits of web.xml (same in both apps except the URL patterns constrained):

        <web-resource-name>Unauthenticated Resources</web-resource-name>

        <web-resource-name>All Resources</web-resource-name>

    <realm-name>My Realm</realm-name>


Some facts about the apps:

  • Both apps are using a Servlet 3.1 web.xml file and are packaged as a WAR.
  • Both apps activate the Undertow and EJB subsystems, while the main app also activates JPA.
  • I have deployed both apps to the same Wildfly 8.2 instance running on my local machine.
  • The main app uses Spring (as we use Spring-Data and Spring-MVC) as well as EJB, while the test app does not use Spring.

The test app works perfectly, but the main app always fails to log in (I get redirected to form-error-page). I turned TRACE logging on for but all I get when I try to log in is this:

2015-07-22 13:36:54,903 TRACE [] (default task-1) PBOX000354: Setting security roles ThreadLocal: null

For extra strangeness points, I can set the security domain value in jboss-web.xml to either active-directory or java:/jaas/active-directory and both work, however using the prefix in the main app causes it to fail to start. I know the prefix is no longer supported in Wildfly 8 but not sure why the behaviour is different between the two apps.

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions, it's all greatly appreciated!


  • Well, this is embarrassing... it turns out the problem was in my login form. I thought they were the same between the two apps but the main app had a leading space in the names of the input fields.