I am a newbie Java Programmer. I am trying to understand the working of the Xtend template. I have read that these templates can be used to generate a java code from a simple C program. Could somebody kindly give me an idea how this simple C program as shown below could be converted into a Java program..
printf("Hello World");
The Xtend template looks something like this :
def someHTML(String content) '''
A simple example could look like this:
package com.example
class HelloWorld {
def static void main(String[] args) {
val instance = new HelloWorld
def String generateC() '''
intf("Hello World");
This will print the generate code to your console. You can also generate to a file, for example:
def static void main(String[] args) {
val instance = new HelloWorld
val code = instance.generateC
val file = new File("helloworld.c")
Files.write(code, file, Charsets.UTF_8)
println("Generated code to " + file.absolutePath)
The official documentation can be found here: https://eclipse.org/xtend/documentation/203_xtend_expressions.html#templates and there are some blog posts and stackoverflow questions around this topic as well.
You can also find information in the Xtext documentation since Xtend is used there for code generation as well, e.g. http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/documentation/103_domainmodelnextsteps.html#tutorial-code-generation