Requirements: accommodate multiple authors using one of the components from the Java Collection Framework. Requires one book with an isbn and a Collection of authors. JUnit: Guidance for testValidate: Test for at least two cases (one case where the book properties hold the correct data types and are not empty nor hold a null value, one where they do not). Guidance for testEquals: Test for at least two cases (one case where authors and isbn match, one where they do not). Test for at least two authors. My teacher told me: testEquals you need to add isbn and two authors. Create an ArrayList. Add two authors to it. Create a Book object and add the ArrayList instance and the isbn. I think that's what I have done, the authors are printing, but the ISBNs are not. I am a total newbie and I am at a loss! Can anyone help?
EDIT/ADDITION I got the ISBN to print, but it is only printing the second isbn I have. What do I need to change to get both of them to print? Or does it matter?
Here is the output:
Testsuite: library.domain.BookTest
Author List: [Bob Smith, Jane Doe]
ISBN: 67890
Author List: [Bob Smith, Jane Doe]
ISBN: 67890
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.23 sec
------------- Standard Output ---------------
Author List: [Bob Smith, Jane Doe]
ISBN: 67890
Author List: [Bob Smith, Jane Doe]
ISBN: 67890
------------- ---------------- ---------------
Deleting: /var/folders/k7/wpgy3lw91171qxlzt4pj0cfh0000gn/T/TEST-library.domain.BookTest.xml
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)
Here is my new page:
package library.domain;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class BookTest {
private ArrayList<String> authorList = new ArrayList<>();
public void testEquals() //test Equals() for accuracy
authorList.add("Bob Smith");
Book book = new Book("12345", authorList);
assertEquals("expected true", true, book.equals(book));
authorList.add("Jane Doe");
book = new Book("67890", authorList);
assertEquals("expected true", true, book.equals(book));
System.out.println("Author List: " + authorList);
System.out.println("ISBN: " + book.getIsbn());
public void testValidate() //test Validate() for accuracy
authorList.add("Bob Smith");
Book book = new Book("12345", authorList);
assertEquals("expected true", true, book.validate());
authorList.add("Jane Doe");
book = new Book("67890", authorList);
assertEquals("expected true", true, book.validate());
System.out.println("Author List: " + authorList);
System.out.println("ISBN: " + book.getIsbn());
package library.domain;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Objects;
public class Book {
private String isbn;
private ArrayList<String> authorList;
public Book(String isbn, ArrayList<String> authorList)
this.isbn = isbn;
this.authorList = authorList;
public String getIsbn() //access to isbn and manages next value
return isbn;
public void setIsbn(String isbn) //assigns the input isbn to the data member isbn
this.isbn = isbn;
//assigns the input author to the data member author
public ArrayList<String> getAuthorList()
return authorList;
public void setAuthorList(ArrayList<String> authorList)
this.authorList = authorList;
public boolean equals(Object obj) //checks equality of two objects - true if same, false if different
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Book)) {
return false;
Book book = (Book) obj;
if (!this.isbn.equals(book.isbn)) {
return false;
if (!this.authorList.equals(book.authorList)) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() //override hash
int hash = 7;
hash = 97 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.authorList);
hash = 97 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.isbn);
return hash;
public boolean validate() //validate isbn and author not null
if (isbn == null || isbn.equals("")) {
return false;
if (authorList == null || authorList.equals("")) {
return false;
return true;
package library.domain;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class BookTest {
private ArrayList<String> authorList = new ArrayList<>();
private String isbn;
public void testEquals() //test Equals() for accuracy
authorList.add("Bob Smith");
authorList.add("Jane Doe");
Book book = new Book("12345", authorList);
assertEquals("expected true", true, book.equals(book));
System.out.println("Author List: " + authorList);
System.out.println("ISBN: " + isbn);
public void testValidate() //test Validate() for accuracy
authorList.add("Bob Smith");
authorList.add("Jane Doe");
Book book = new Book("12345", authorList);
assertEquals("expected true", true, book.validate());
System.out.println("Author List: " + authorList);
System.out.println("ISBN: " + isbn);
isbn in the test class is a local variable and you are not setting any values for the same. To check if object is being created correctly, try printing book.getAuthorList() and book.getIsbn()