guys. recently i am trying to learn cocos2dx. coz i want to write game. but ive been search many resources. always hard to follow . maybe because im new to this. i know javascript. and i just want some good resources to study. can u please give me some resources like website or any thing that i can learn from. thanks in advance. ive tried many youtube links. there seems a lot of differemt ways in learning write games. i am very confusee if(you know any good resources for learning) {please tell me}
You should read the official programmers guide of cocos2d-x.
You are right, there are different ways of developing a game. If you ask two programmers to develop something you will have two different solutions. The solutions are different, one solution is faster and but the other one could be more secure.
I would advice you to use cocos2d-js because you already know javascript. And use the API Reference for cocos2d-js