I would like a simple hamcrest matcher for finding duplicates of an object in a List<String>
. This is what I wrote
for (QuizEntity quiz : quizzes)
for (QuestionEntity question : quiz.getQuestions())
Assert.assertThat("There should be no duplicate questions", 1, Matchers.equalTo(Collections.frequency(questions, question.getQuestion())));
Unfortunately I got this output, which isn't descriptive enough. Any
java.lang.AssertionError: There should be no duplicate questions
Expected: <20>
but: was <1>
Assert.assertThat("There should be no duplicate questions", 1, Matchers.equalTo(Collections.frequency(questions, question.getQuestion())));
Assert.assertThat("Question '" + question.getQuestion() + "' should not be duplicated", 1, Matchers.equalTo(Collections.frequency(questions, question.getQuestion())));