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I'm trying to catalog the structure of a MSSQL 2008 R2 database using R/RODBC. I have set up a DSN, connected via R and used the sqlTables() command but this is only getting the 'system databases' info.


conn1 <- odbcConnect('my_dsn')

However if I do this:


conn1 <- odbcConnect('my_dsn')
sqlQuery('USE my_db_1')

I get the tables associated with the my_db_1 database. Is there a way to see all of the databases and tables without manually typing in a separate USE statement for each?


  • There may or may not be a more idiomatic way to do this directly in SQL, but we can piece together a data set of all tables from all databases (a bit more programatically than repeated USE xyz; statements) by getting a list of databases from master..sysdatabases and passing these as the catalog argument to sqlTables - e.g.

    tcon <- RODBC::odbcConnect(
      dsn = "my_dsn",
      uid = "my_uid",
      pwd = "my_pwd"
    db_list <- RODBC::sqlQuery(
      channel = tcon,
      query = "SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases")
    R> RODBC::sqlTables(
        channel = tcon, 
        catalog = db_list[14, 1]

    (I can't show any of the output for confidentiality reasons, but it produces the correct results.) Of course, in your case you probably want to do something like

    all_metadata <- lapply(db_list$name, function(DB) {
        channel = tcon,
        catalog = DB
    # or some more efficient variant of data.table::rbindlist...
    meta_df <-"rbind", all_metadata)