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Sencha Touch 2: itemtap on IE not targeting divs

I'm working on a Cordova hybrid app and currently facing issues on Windows 8.1 with Sencha Touch 2. I got a some divs on a listitem with some subelements. I defined a tap listener. This works fine with Android and IOS, but this doesn't work on Win8.1 with Internet Explorer. I'm always getting the above lying listitem-element not the clicked div-containers.

This is the simplified example:


Ext.define( 'App.view.MyDataView', {

xtype: 'mydataview',
extend:  Ext.dataview.List ,

config: {

    inline: false,
    title: "myTitle",

    scrollToTopOnRefresh: false,

    cls: 'MyDataView',
    itemCls: 'MyDataViewItem',
    pressedCls: 'MyDataViewItemPressed',
    grouped: true,

    listeners: {
        tap: {
            element: 'element',
            //delegate: '.something',

            fn: function (e)
    deferEmptyText: false,
    infinite: true,

    variableHeights: true,
    itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(

                            '<div class="red" style="background-color:red;width:50%">',
                '<div class="black" style="background-color:black;width:80%">',
                    '<div class="blue" style="background-color:blue;width:30%">blue</div>',
        ].join( '' ),
            compiled: true,
            getInteractable: function() {},
            //some member functions here...

}); on tap listener always give me following:

<div class="x-unsized x-list-item WorkingHoursDataViewItem x-has-height x-list-item-tpl" id="ext-simplelistitem-85" style="height: 42px !important; min-height: 42px !important; transform: translate3d(0px, 264px, 0px);">
  <div class="x-unsized x-list-disclosure x-item-hidden" id="ext-component-233" style="display: none !important;"></div>
  <div class="x-innerhtml" id="ext-element-815">
        <div class="red" style="width: 50%; background-color: red;">
           <div class="black" style="width: 80%; background-color:black;">
               <div class="blue" style="width: 30%; background-color:blue;">

I browsed alot through event, e, target but there is no reference to the clicked div container :/

Thanks in advance!

//edit: simplified example // it is related to grouped:true -> if i comment this out everything works as expected


  • fixed it - if grouped: true was set, it caused this unexpected results on IE.

    Workaround: after showing view: list.updateGrouped()