I'm using contentful as backend for my mobile app.
match fixtures are stored within contentful. I want to query the next match, but i get the following error:
422 (Unprocessable Entity)
My function to retrieve the next match:
function nextOpponent(){
var content_Type = mainConfig.config.contentType.match // Matches
var order = "fields.datum";
var gt = new Date().toLocaleString();
var query = "content_type=" + content_Type +
"&order=" + order +
"&fields.datum%5Bgte%5D=" + encodeURI(gt);
$scope.nextMatch = response.data.items[0];
The problem you are facing is mostly because of the date string being malformed. Date strings have to follow the ISO-8601 format. You can create such a formatted string by using the build-in JS function Date#toISOString or via your date formatting library of choice. Besides that you can just pass the arguments as an object.
The following code uses the build-in date method:
var gt = new Date().toISOString();
content_type: content_Type,
order: order,
'fields.datum[gte]': gt
}).then(function () {
// go ahead here...
Additional note:
Contentful will cache the result of queries based on the requested URLs. So if you don't need a high precision, I would suggest using timestamps which only reflects the current date or the respective hour of the day. E.g. 2015-07-28
or 2015-07-28T15:00