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grails foreign key error in delete parent row

I have the following situation:

class Receipt {

   BigDecimal totalAmount;
   Date releaseDate;

   Integer vatPercentage;

   Integer discount;

   Boolean isPayed;
   Boolean isInvoice;
   Boolean hasStampDuty;

   Integer documentNumber;

   static belongsTo = [patient:Patient, doctor:Doctor]

   static hasMany = [healthServices:Receipt_HealthService]

    static constraints = {
        healthServices(blank:  false)
        patient(blank: false)
        totalAmount(blank: false, )
        vatPercentage(blank: false, nullable: false)



class HealthService {

   int vat;
   String description;
   BigDecimal price;

   static belongsTo = [healthServiceType:HealthServiceType, doctor:Doctor]

   static constraints = {
      healthServiceType(blank: false)
      vat(size: 11..11)
      description(maxSize: 255)


class Receipt_HealthService {

   Receipt receipt
   HealthService healthService
   int quantity = 1

   static constraints = {

I've manually created the Receipt_HealthService domain class, as described in the post here. Everything works well, but when I try to delete a Receipt instance, I see the following error:

Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
(`my_localdb`.`receipt_health_service`, CONSTRAINT 
`FK96DE98B9D3292D2C` FOREIGN KEY (`receipt_id`) REFERENCES `receipt`(`id`))

Why do this happen? Why the Receipt_HealthService instances are not automatically deleted? What do I need to change to allow the automatic deletion and remove the error?


  • The class Receipt_HealthService doesn't have a belongsTo, therefore Receipt's deletions are not cascaded. See .

    You can either change Receipt_HealthService as following:

    class Receipt_HealthService {
       static belongsTo = [receipt: Receipt]

    Or try to define the cascade behaviour explicitely (see

    Another posibility is to add a beforeDelete to Receipt that takes care of deleting each entry in healthServices. See

    For this last option, you can check the classes User, UserRole and Role from the Spring Security Plugin as an example. I didn't find a sample project online, but you can just install the plugin in a sample project and run grails s2-quickstart to see how the User#beforeDelete looks like (see