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Why can't I access my EJB using the remote interface through JNDI?

I am having issues with the retrieval of beans using JNDI.

I have 2 ears: clientear and workerear. Clientear contains clientejb and libejb Workerear contains workerejb and libejb

The lib contains MyInterface The workerejb contains the bean and the abstract class and the clientejb contains the client code that performs the lookup.

My bean which implements a remote interface

public class MyBean implements MyInterface

Its JNDI binding is


That is OK.

Now I want it to extend an Abstract class:

public abstract  class MyAbstractClass implements MyInterface
public class MyBean extends MyAbstractClass

So the JNDI binding becomes


That is ok, I adjusted the string and my code which was this:

(MyInterface) ctx.lookup("java:global/jndinaming/MyBean!learning.jndinaming.MyInterface");

Becomes this:

(MyInterface) ctx.lookup("java:global/jndinaming/MyBean!learning.jndinaming.MyBean");

And I get a Class Cast exception:

ClassCastException: Cannot cast MyBean$$$view68 (id=938) to MyInterface

The interface file is in a project which is accessible by both the client and worker project.

The client project contains the code that calls the lookup method.

The worker project has the bean implementation and abstract class.

The projects are in separate ear files but in the same wildfly container.

Why does adding the new "layer" with the abstract class causes this class cast exception? What can I do to solve it?

btw: trying to access using

 (MyInterface) ctx.lookup("java:global/jndinaming/MyBean!learning.jndinaming.MyInterface");

Results in a nameNotFound exception being thrown

Edit: this is the current status of the bean, Abstract class and interface:


import javax.ejb.Remote;

public interface MyInterface {
    public void print();


Abstract Class:

public abstract  class MyAbstractClass implements MyInterface{



public class MyBean extends MyAbstractClass{

    public void print() {



Client code:

public class TimedBean {
    private SessionContext              ctx;

    @Schedule(second="*/10", minute="*", hour="*")
    public void run() throws NamingException{
            MyInterface c2 = (MyInterface) ctx.lookup("java:global/workerear/workerejb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/MyAbstractClassExtender!learning.lib.MyInterface");



  • Removing the @Remote from the interface and adding it to the bean solves the problem:

    public interface MyInterface {
        public void print();
    public class MyBean extends MyAbstractClass{
        public void print() {

    Then the JNDI binding will be this one:


    And the cast works.