I am using Javascript SDK for 1-1 chat in Quickblox, but somehow I am not able to store the chat history.
I am following this link.
var message = {
body: text,
type: 'chat',
extension: {
nick: chatUser.email,
// token from session is set on window object
token: window.token,
// MyChat is a custom class_name
class_name: 'MyChat'
I am passing the class_name
and token
since I saw the android sdk following the same pattern.
private Message createMsgWithAdditionalInfo(int userId, String body, Map<?, ?> addinfoParams){
Message message = new Message(QBChatUtils.getChatLoginFull(userId), Message.Type.chat);
String addInfo = ToStringHelper.toString(addinfoParams, "", Consts.ESCAPED_AMPERSAND);
MessageExtension messageExtension = new MessageExtension(Consts.QB_INFO, "");
try {
messageExtension.setValue("token", QBAuth.getBaseService().getToken());
messageExtension.setValue("class_name", "ChatMessage");
messageExtension.setValue("additional", addInfo);
} catch (BaseServiceException e) {
return message;
Also in instructions I see this.
<message id="123" type="chat" to="291-92@chat.quickblox.com" from="292-92@chat.quickblox.com"><body>Hi there</body><quickblox xmlns=""><token>848d4bf336d99532deff6bf7c8bb4b7e7b1a71f9</token><class_name>ChatMessage</class_name></quickblox></message>
Here also I see token
& class
passed so I am guessing how to I structure in my message
object so that I get it to work.
The way I have created chatService is this.
chatService = new QBChat(params);
// to send message I am using sendMessage function
// message object is same as defined above.
chatService.sendMessage(recipientID, message);
This is an old and deprecated method to store chat history
Look at this guide http://quickblox.com/developers/Chat#Server-side_chat_history
var msg = {
body: "Hey",
extension: {
save_to_history: 1
senderId: currentUser.id,
You have to use 'save_to_history' to store a message
You can use this branch as a basis https://github.com/QuickBlox/quickblox-javascript-sdk/tree/develop.chat/samples/chat