c# winforms here. I need to draw an invisible rectangle area over a panel and catch his mouse enter/leave events.
My situation (as for some other suggestions you may have):
I have a media player (the panel), on mouse enter event I make visible a little navigation menu (it's located over the panel). I want to hide the nav menu on mouse leave from the panel. This works but unfortunately also entering the nav menu make it invisible. Many thanks.
On mouse leave, simply see if the current Cursor.Position
is contained by your rectangle. For example, using a panel and a label:
public Form1()
panel1.MouseEnter += panel1_MouseEnter;
panel1.MouseLeave += common_MouseLeave;
label1.MouseLeave += common_MouseLeave;
private void panel1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Visible = true;
private void common_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
Rectangle rc = panel1.RectangleToScreen(panel1.ClientRectangle);
if (!rc.Contains(Cursor.Position))
label1.Visible = false;