I am using Temboo to do Google OAuth. I am currently on the OAuth Initialization step (before the Finalize step). I have successfully installed the Temboo SDK.
The following is my initialization code (which was copied straight from Temboo with little to no changes)
TembooSession session = new TembooSession("myAccount", "myFirstApp", "someSessionID");
InitializeOAuth initializeOAuthChoreo = new InitializeOAuth(session);
// Get an InputSet object for the choreo
InitializeOAuthInputSet initializeOAuthInputs = initializeOAuthChoreo.newInputSet();
// Set credential to use for execution
// Set inputs
// Execute Choreo
InitializeOAuthResultSet initializeOAuthResults = initializeOAuthChoreo.execute(initializeOAuthInputs);
Within this code, my imports
are the following:
import com.temboo.Library.Google.OAuth.InitializeOAuth;
import com.temboo.Library.Google.OAuth.InitializeOAuth.InitializeOAuthInputSet;
import com.temboo.Library.Google.OAuth.InitializeOAuth.InitializeOAuthResultSet;
import com.temboo.core.TembooSession
That said, Eclipse is screaming at me saying that my .setCredential("..");
line is incorrect:
I have the following errors:
Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)
Syntax error on token "mySavedCredentials", delete this token
I tried using different imports, such as the non-Google-OAuth import (the OAuth2 one), thinking I was using a wrong import and thus the lack of the .setCredentials()
method, but that did not solve the issue.
I work for Temboo.
This error could be caused if you are using an older version of our Java SDK. You can download the latest SDK here: https://temboo.com/download.
Hopefully this helps. Feel free to contact us at https://temboo.com/support if you have any questions.