I am working on ASP.NET-MVC5 applications. I need to pass data model from multiple classes from controller to view so I decided it use ViewModel and use linq to assign values to the view model accordingly. Now I my model, Student can have multiple emergency contact so I am using List but getting error on this part in LINQ query.
public class StudentDetailedProfileViewModel
public StudentDetailedProfileViewModel() { }
public Student _studentModel { get; set; }
public Course _courseModel { get; set; }
public School _schoolModel { get; set; }
public Campus _campusModel { get; set; }
public ContactDetail _contactDetailModel { get; set; }
public List<EmergencyContact> _emergencyContactModel { get; set; }
public StudentCourseSchoolAndCampusViewModel GetCourseByStudentID(int _studentID)
using (var _uow = new StudentProfile_UnitOfWork())
var _record = (from _course in _uow.Course_Repository.GetAll()
join _school in _uow.School_Repository.GetAll() on _course.SchoolID equals _school.SchoolID
join _campus in _uow.Campus_Repository.GetAll() on _course.CampusID equals _campus.CampusID
where _course.StudentID == _studentID
select new StudentCourseSchoolAndCampusViewModel {_courseModel= _course, _schoolModel = _school, _campusModel = _campus }).FirstOrDefault();
return _record;
catch { return null; }
I have managed to do as following but I am not sure if it is the best practice!!
public StudentDetailedProfileViewModel GetStudentDetailedProfileByStudentID(int _studentID)
using (var _uow = new StudentProfile_UnitOfWork())
StudentDetailedProfileViewModel StudentProfileObject = new StudentDetailedProfileViewModel();
var _profile = (from _student in _uow.Student_Repository.GetAll()
join _contactDetail in _uow.ContactDetail_Repository.GetAll() on _student.StudentID equals _contactDetail.StudentID
join _studentCourse in _uow.Course_Repository.GetAll() on _student.StudentID equals _studentCourse.StudentID
join _school in _uow.School_Repository.GetAll() on _studentCourse.SchoolID equals _school.SchoolID
join _campus in _uow.Campus_Repository.GetAll() on _studentCourse.CampusID equals _campus.CampusID
where _student.StudentID == _studentID
select new StudentDetailedProfileViewModel { _studentModel = _student, _contactDetailModel = _contactDetail, _courseModel = _studentCourse,_schoolModel = _school, _campusModel = _campus}).FirstOrDefault();
_profile._emergencyContactModel = (from _emergencyContact in _uow.EmergencyContact_Repository.GetAll()
where _emergencyContact.StudentID == _studentID
select _emergencyContact).ToList();
return _profile;
catch { return null; }