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How to specify name for entity configuration

I'm using code-first in entity-framework 4, Entity Framework Feature CTP 3

Is it possible to specify an entity configuration's name? In effect changing the table name from 'xxxSet' to a name of my choice?


  • Found the documentation. You want to do something like:

    public class BloggingModel : ObjectContext
        public BloggingModel(EntityConnection connection)
            : base(connection)
            DefaultContainerName = "BloggingModel";
        public IObjectSet<User> Users   // ObjectSet name -- you can call it whatever you want
            get { return base.CreateObjectSet<User>(); }
    class UserConfiguration : EntityConfiguration<User>
        public UserConfiguration() 
            Property(u => u.Password).HasMaxLength(15).IsRequired();
            Relationship(u => u.AuthoredPosts).FromProperty(p => p.Author);
            Relationship(u => u.PostedPosts).FromProperty(p => p.Poster);
                u => EntityMap.Row( 
                    EntityMap.Column(u.ID, "uid"),
            ).ToTable("Users");  // DB table name -- again, anything you like

    Again, see the linked post for full info.