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Upgrade to EF 6.1.1 makes effect of [NotMapped] disappear

I have upgraded from EF 4.3.1 to 6.1.1 and now it seems like the annotation [NotMapped] is useless. Yes, i have change to correct assembly and everything looks fine on compilation.

Everywhere where [NotMapped] is present the property is handled as a domain property and i get an error that EF can't find the matching column in database.


private bool _authenticated = true;

        public bool Authenticated
            get { return _authenticated; }
            set { _authenticated = value; }

Yes, it seems like i can work around this by adding...

 modelBuilder.Entity<User>().Ignore(x => x.Authenticated);

...but then, whats the use of [NotMapped] in EF6?

(Worked perfect before upgrade)


  • Solved by first uninstall and then reinstalling EF on all projects in the solution.

    I think it was some mismatch in .NET versions for some projects when i upgraded to EF6 the first time which made the system take the [NotMapped] annotaition from the wrong assembly (.NET instead of EF).

    This led me to it:

    ...and most the line: "If you use the new annotations from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll assembly in .NET 4.5 they will not be processed by Code First."