I did not find the info by reading the usage guidelines, so I ask my question here: Assuming the following situation:
/// <summary>
/// Initalisiert eine neue Instanz des SettingsManager
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settingsRepo">Das SettingsRepository welches die Einstellungen enthält</param>
public SettingsManager(ISettingsRepository settingsRepo)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(settingsRepo != null, "The parameter settingsRepo cant be null");
_settingsRepo = settingsRepo;
/// <summary>
/// Lädt alle Einstellungen
/// </summary>
public void Load()
Contract.Requires<NullReferenceException>(_settingsRepo != null, "The repository cant be null");
where _settingsRepo
is a global private field of the class SettingsManager
. In the constructor, I define the precondition, that the parameter settingsRepo
is not null. So when settingsRepo
equals null
an Exception is thrown. But the method Load()
uses the field _settingsRepo
which definetly wasn't null
during instantiation. However, I do not know if _settingsRepo
equals null
at the moment, when Load()
is being used, so is the precondition I defined in the method Load()
considered as redundant, or should I rest this.
As I mention in the question's comment. You can remove the validation from Load
The pattern you are using called Constructor Injection
. The idea behind C'tor injection is the object you are trying to create needs a dependency and don't have any default/alternative behaviour if you don't supply the dependency. In your case it seem exactly the situation.
Summery: You verified the _settingsRepo
is not null in the C'tor, therefore you don't need to verify it again in the Load'
This is a very good book about DI, I recommends you to read it.