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C# Pathfinding, smooth movement enemy to player. Walk around solids

I need a way to implement path-finding into my game.

For example A* or Euclidean would work well for this.

I have a multi dimensional array of my Tile class which has a rectangle for bounds and a is_solid variable. The player is not restricted to the tiles and has free movement. So the enemy will smoothly path-find its way to the player.

I have tried implementing examples on the web, or on the fellow Stackoverflow database. But to no avail, I can't modify them to work with my project.

Got any examples/tutorials which you think would suit the way I developed my game and I could implement into my game more easily.


  • I did it this way with the help of this great article:

    public class MyEdge//used edges and notes for my graph
        public int To { get; private set; }
        public int From { get; private set; }
        protected MyNode from;
        protected MyNode to;
        public MyEdge(int from, int to, MyGraph g)
            From = from;
            To = to;
            this.from = g.GetNode(from);
   = g.GetNode(to);
        public MyNode NodeFrom()
            return from;
        public MyNode NodeTo()
            return to;
    public class MyNode
        public int Index { get; private set; }
        public Vector2D Pos { get; private set; }
        public List<MyEdge> Edges { get; private set; }
        public MyNode parent = null;
        public double G = double.MaxValue;
        public double H = 0;
        public double F { get { return G + H; } }
        public MyNode(int x, int y)
            Edges = new List<MyEdge>();
            Pos = new Vector2D(x, y);
            Index = -1;
        public MyNode(Vector2D pos)
            Edges = new List<MyEdge>();
            Pos = pos;
            Index = -1;
        public MyNode(int x, int y, int idx)
            Edges = new List<MyEdge>();
            Pos = new Vector2D(x, y);
            Index = idx;
        public MyNode(Vector2D pos, int idx)
            Edges = new List<MyEdge>();
            Pos = pos;
            Index = idx;

    Note: A edge has the nodes and a node has the edges. This is for better performance

    public List<MyNode> GetPath(Vector2D startPoint, Vector2D endPoint)
            //create the open list of nodes, initially containing only our starting node
            //create the closed list of nodes, initially empty
            List<MyNode> open = new List<MyNode>();
            List<MyNode> closed = new List<MyNode>();
            //Find the starting node
            MyNode start = FindNearestNode(startPoint);
            if (start == null)
                return null;
            //Find the ending node
            MyNode end = FindNearestNode(endPoint);
            if (end == null)
                return null;
            start.G = G(start.Pos, endPoint);
            start.H = H(start.Pos, endPoint);
            while (open.Count != 0)
                //consider the best node in the open list (the node with the lowest f value)
                double d = open.Min(x => x.F);
                MyNode curr = open.First(x => x.F.CompareTo(d) == 0);
                //If current node is goal              
                if (curr == end)
                    //Loop over the parents to get the path
                    List<MyNode> ns = new List<MyNode>();
                    MyNode n = end;
                    while (n != start)
                        n = n.parent;
                    return ns;
                for (int i = 0; i < curr.Edges.Count; i++)
                    MyNode possibleNeigbour = curr.Edges[i].NodeTo();
                    if (closed.Contains(possibleNeigbour))
                        //ignore it
                    else if (!open.Contains(possibleNeigbour))
                        possibleNeigbour.G = G(possibleNeigbour.Pos, endPoint);
                        possibleNeigbour.H = H(possibleNeigbour.Pos, endPoint);
                        possibleNeigbour.parent = curr;
                    else if(open.Contains(possibleNeigbour))
                        if (possibleNeigbour.G < curr.G)
                            possibleNeigbour.parent = curr;
            return null;