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Requesting data from JSONP

I am currently experimenting with JSONP using native JavaScript. I am trying to create an application that reads data from a JSONP link. Here is the JSfiddle. At present I am receiving an error in my console, where it seems to have an issue with the link requested. Below I have submitted a snippet of my code:

function readResponse(resonse) {
  document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].innerHTML = resonse.feed.entry.length + ' entries retured';

  var src = '',
  script = document.createElement('script');
 script.src = src;
  }) ();

Either I'm missing something out or I'm doing something completely wrong?


  • We need a callback method for jsonp request else it will throw a syntax error. when i run it i checked the response object does not have a feed property

    resonse.feed is undefined.

    It has the marker property. I tried below and it started working.

    window.readResponse = function(resonse) {
      document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].innerHTML = resonse.markers.length + ' entries retured';
      var src = ",-0.04076115&southWest=51.51560467,-0.10225884&callback=readResponse"
        var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = src;
        script.async = true;
    }) ();