I'm using Satellizer for authentication, after I login, the login/register button in the header should change to logout but they don't.
Here is my header directive:
angular.module('pages.components.navHeader', [
.directive('navHeader', function () {
var directive = {};
directive.restrict = "E";
directive.templateUrl = "navHeader.tpl.html";
directive.controller = ['$scope','$location', 'CONFIG', 'authenticationService', function navHeaderCtrl($scope, $location, CONFIG, authenticationService) {
$scope.isAuthenticated = authenticationService.isAuthenticated();
$scope.logout = function (){
return directive;
Here is the interesting part of my header template:
<li ng-show="!isAuthenticated"><a ng-href="#">Login</a></li>
<li ng-show="!isAuthenticated"><a ng-href="#">Register</a></li>
<li ng-show="isAuthenticated"><a ng-click="logout()" href="#">Logout</a></li>
I have a factory as an extra layer in case satellizer doesn't work for me, which is just a directive that does this:
.factory ('authenticationService', ['CONFIG', '$auth', function authenticationService (CONFIG, $auth) {
var authentication = {};
authentication.isAuthenticated = function (){
return $auth.isAuthenticated();
return authentication;
So even when I click logout, the header doesn't update. Am I doing something wrong on how I set the isAuthenticated in my header?
Change your controller code to this
$scope.isAuthenticated = authenticationService.isAuthenticated;
And then on html you could simply use.
will callauthenticationService.isAuthenticated
method on eachdigest