So I have a link/button that looks like this in my helper class:
link_to "UnFav", unfavorite_node_path(node), class: "btn btn-success favorite", method: :post, remote: true, data: { toggle_text: 'Fav', toggle_href: favorite_node_path(node), id: }
That calls these methods in my controller:
def favorite
@node.liked_by current_user
if request.xhr?
render json: { count: @node.get_likes.size, id: params[:id] }
redirect_to @node
def unfavorite
@node.unliked_by current_user
if request.xhr?
render json: { count: @node.get_likes.size, id: params[:id] }
redirect_to @node
I am using acts-as-votable.
In my view, I show the number of votes on a particular node
like this:
<span class="card-favorite-count">
<i class="icon-heart"></i> <%= node.cached_votes_total %>
Ideally, what I want to happen is, when one of those links are pressed, and the action is successfully executed, I want to update the count that is already being shown in the DOM.
I tried creating a favorite.js.erb
and putting this in it:
$(".card-favorite-count").html('<%= node.cached_votes_total %>');
But I realized that when I favorited & unfavorited an item, in my server logs it never ever called that favorite.js.erb
template - so this never gets executed.
I was also looking for a callback on the gem, but I can't find any.
What's the best way to approach this?
To render your file favorite.js.erb
you need to do:
def favorite
@node.liked_by current_user
respond_to do |format|
format.html{ redirect_to @node }
I think the if
block would not be necessary still unsure but you can try the above code. It would respond with the js.erb
when it is a js request and when it html request it will redirect.